Volunteer Opportunities
Many Gifts, Many Talents
At St. Charles, we celebrate the unique gifts of all of our members, and we believe these talents allow us to show God’s love to the world in a variety of ways. Some people serve in active leadership roles in the ministries of the church, while others serve by simply arriving at worship a little early and greet visitors on Sunday mornings.
When it comes to volunteering with the church, there are many opportunities:
Prepare and serve lunches at our free community meal program (2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month)
Learn about the St. Charles Center for Faith + Action and opportunities they have to volunteer with their work around criminal legal system reform
Set the church up for worship on Sundays and special days
Read liturgy and scripture in our worship services
Sing in the church choir
Offer hospitality as an usher or greeter before worship or at other events
Work with your hands, do some gardening, and help keep our buildings and grounds in good order
Prepare for our coffee hour - arrive around 10 AM and help arrange baked goods, coffee, and water for our after-worship coffee hour
Bake homemade treats to share at our coffee hour. Baked goods can be dropped off during the week or on Sunday morning.
Serving the Community
We also serve the wider church in a number of ways, including participating in community engagement efforts, advocacy programs, and meetings with our wider denominational networks.
Connecting with Us
If you are interested in learning more about how you can serve the church (or have a new idea for a ministry that you’d like to share), please contact Pastor Marc at marc.boswell@scabc.org.