Faith Formation at St. Charles Ave. Baptist
Sunday Opportunities
Sunday Bible Seminar Class
The Sunday Bible Seminar Class meets in person and on Zoom from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM. This class for adults of all ages does in-depth studies of books of the Bible and other written works about theology and Scripture. This hybrid class is now studying Jesus’ Alternative Plan: The Sermon on the Mount by Richard Rohr. All adults are invited. Here’s the zoom link.
Zoom Link. Passcode: 6MHsYs.
Agape Women’s Class
The Agape Women’s Class meets Sundays at 9:00 AM on Zoom. Led by Judie Lide, this inter-generational class approaches contemporary issues through the lens of progressive Christian writers. Studies follow the Lectionary texts of the week. Members are welcoming, supportive and open. Get more info. Zoom Link (for Sunday School and Happy Hour).
Midweek Gatherings
Theology on Tap
This group gathers for conversation and fellowship once a month on a Thursday evening at a local brewery or restaurant. Contact Pastor Marc for more information:
Short, selected readings are also available prior to the monthly gathering. These will be available on the front page of our website a week or two before the gathering.
Christian Mysticism (Concluded)
This course will introduce the mystical tradition within the Christian faith. Gathering over four Wednesday evenings - Jan. 22, 29; Feb. 5, 12 (2025) - the group will discuss introductory readings and actual writings from various mystics over the centuries (e.g., Julian of Norwich, Evagrius, Meister Eckhart).
Mary Oliver Poetry Class (Concluded)
This group gathered for five weeks during Lent (2024) and studied the poetry of Mary Oliver, along with various mindfulness techniques. Led by Peggy Brown, a long-time teacher and student of meditation, this class had a contemplative atmosphere that reveled in the wisdom of the late poet, Mary Oliver.
The Shoes of Van Gogh Book Study (Concluded)
Explore the spiritual insights of Vincent van Gogh’s artwork over three Wednesday nights - Jan. 10, 17, and 24 (2024). The discussion group will gather at 6:00 PM in the church parlor. All are welcome. Books can be purchased online or from your favorite local bookstore.
Etty Hillesum: An Interrupted Life Book Study - (Concluded)
Join us for a study of the philosophical and spiritual reflections of Etty (Esther) Hillesum, a young Dutch Jewish woman who was murdered in Auschwitz. Hillesum actively maintained a journal for the years preceding her deportation to Auschwitz, and these writings are the subject of her book, An Interrupted Life. This class gathered over three weeks in October (2023).
The Bible: Origin | Authority | Interpretation - (Concluded)
Join us for five Wednesday night gatherings (6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall) from April 26 through May 24 (2023). We’ll have conversation and study around the formation of the Bible, and we’ll also discuss how we might interpret our sacred text, be aware of our own cultural lenses, and craft devotional ways of relating to the Bible.
“Lent is Weird” Bible Study - (Concluded)
This midweek series focused on the otherwordly and bizarre elements of the Lenten lectionary texts that guided our worship services on each of the Sundays in Lent. We welcomed questions and had guided conversation as we discussed ways to make sense of some of the strange first century ideas we encounter in these passages.
Other Opportunities
Conferences and Special Events
St. Charles offers an array of opportunities to engage the life of the mind and the life of the spirit. In addition to the regular occurring activities below, we also regularly host conferences and special events featuring leading preachers and writers from across the nation, such as Rachel Held Evans, Anne Lamott, Brian McLaren, and many others.
(pictured left: Rev. Elizabeth Lott and author Brian McLaren)
Faith and Justice
Our sister organization, the St. Charles Center for Faith + Action, hosts regular conferences, retreats, and educational opportunities throughout the year. The work of the Center regularly focuses on matters pertaining to the criminal legal system, racial justice, and strengthening communities here in New Orleans and beyond.