Pastor’s Welcome
Let us be glad…
“O God of the stars and planets, you are in the midst of the city… The river of your eternal life runs through all things. Let us be glad to be bearers of your eternity. Let us be glad to find you in one another.”
- J. Philip Newell, “Celtic Treasure”
Our Church and Our Pastor
Welcome, and thanks for getting to know us here and visiting our website!
Pastor Marc
St. Charles is a warm, welcoming congregation, and I hope you will get the chance to delight in our intellectually curious, progressive, and socially-engaged church members.
At our church, we enjoy a traditional, mainline worship style with classic hymns, a beautiful organ, a talented choir, thoughtful liturgy, and socially-conscious, progressive preaching. We welcome everyone, and at the same time, we’re especially committed to welcoming and creating safe space for people who may experience marginalization elsewhere in their lives.
Our congregation proudly welcomes folks from all faith traditions, socioeconomic backgrounds, racial and cultural heritages, sexual orientations, and gender identities. We affirm, and have for several decades, the leadership and full participation of women and our LGBTQ+ identifying friends in the life of the Church.
In other words, yes, we’re Baptist, but we are not a conservative evangelical church. We take seriously our call to think critically about our faith, to seek points of connection with other faith traditions, to love our neighbors, and to welcome all.
Rev. Marc J. Boswell, Ph.D.