Progressive Faith | Beloved Community
From the Pastor’s Welcome: “Our congregation proudly welcomes people from all faith traditions, socioeconomic backgrounds, racial and cultural heritages, sexual orientations, and gender identities. We affirm, and have for several decades, the leadership and full participation of women and our LGBTQ+ identifying friends in the life of the Church.”
Join Us in Worship
We meet for worship in our sanctuary and on Zoom every Sunday morning at 11:00 AM. Our service has traditional mainline Christian elements along with thoughtful, progressive preaching and a time of coffee/fellowship after the service concludes.
Click here to join via Zoom | Watch previous worship services | Recent Bulletin
Lenten Reflections
Lenten Reflections Study Series
Join us for a series of Wednesday night studies and conversations. Each week features a different speaker and focus, as we welcome in leaders and experts from our community who research and study pressing contemporary issues.
March 27 - 5:30 PM
Rivershack Tavern (3449 River Rd., Jefferson)
Julian of Norwich Book Study
Julian of Norwich - Book Study
Next Session: April 8 - Zoom - 7 PM
This group will read Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich, a medieval Christian mystic. The Oxford World’s Classics edition is recommended (for ease of translation). We will discuss the Intro and ‘Short Text’ on March 18 and the ‘Long Text’ on April 8. Please secure your own copy of the book.
Holy Week at SCABC
Holy Week Schedule
Join us for several worship opportunities during this year’s Holy Week. We’ll gather on April 13 for Palm Sunday Worship, on April 17 for a Maundy Thursday service, and we’ll conclude the week by celebrating Easter in worship on Sunday, April 20. Stay after worship for a special reception with coffee and refreshments.
All are welcome!
Our church serves a hot meal at 12 PM noon on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month in our fellowship hall for those who are experiencing food insecurity.
Join us! We welcome volunteers to cook, serve, set up tables and clean up from about 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Financial gifts, travel sized toiletries, and gifts of gently used clothing are also welcome. To volunteer, contact linda@easterlincomm.com.
No-Cost Community Events
We host a number of events throughout the year for our broader New Orleans community. Several of these events are not explicitly faith-related. They are, instead, simply enriching and entertaining opportunities that we joyfully offer back to our neighbors, friends, and the wider-community. Join when you can, and be sure to check back for more information throughout the year. Click here for more information.
Community Partners
St. Charles is privileged to have an abundance of space on our campus. To be good stewards of our facilities, we proudly partner and share space with a number of community-focused organizations and non-profits and have done so for many years.
Faith Formation Classes
Opportunities occur weekly on Sunday mornings, with a variety of in person and virtual classes. All are welcome!
Click here to read more about the groups, their start times, and their focus.
Celebrate Diversity
Our congregation fully welcomes people of all gender expressions, sexual orientations, and racial/cultural backgrounds, and we welcome them into all aspects of our church. We also support other queer-affirming and trans-inclusive organizations and initiatives. Click here to read more.
Support “Sacred Space for All,” our campaign to preserve our historic buildings and the worship/community space they provide. Give Online Here.
Happy Hour
Wednesday Happy Hour
During the pandemic, we created a virtual Happy Hour on Wednesdays, and we continue to gather weekly for this informal time of discussion at 5:30 PM on Zoom. Grab a beverage of choice and come fellowship with us.